maandag 11 januari 2016

Bye bye Spaceboy | David Bowie style

Most of you probably already noticed it in the news this morning, on social media or through friends / familiar faces. David Bowie passed away yesterday, after fighting cancer for a year and a half. To me, personally, this came as a shock. His twenty-fifth (his twenty. fifth.) studio album was launched on his 69th birthday only a couple of days ago and that same day it arrived at my home - I pre-ordered it, fan as I am, hehe. And I've had it on repeat ever since. I can barely believe the news is true.

As a fashion blogger, I thought it would be nice to pay a tribute to my personal hero by giving you a round up of his - in my opinion - best style moments. Because just like his music, his style was ever changing, ever evolving.


If one man deserves an overload of pictures, it's Bowie ;). But look at these pictures; he has had so many different looks! He could sometimes look more feminine than us females will ever look and look awesome in it. Bowie sported the neck-kerchief before it was in fashion (the Ziggy pic proves it all. And there are some 2003 concert recordings that will confirm) and no man has ever looked more awesome in multicolored suits.
There are not many artists who are as versatile as Bowie was, as well in music as in fashion. Prominent fashion labels have noticed his sense of style as well. Over the years, many collections have been created that have a certain kind of Ziggy Stardust feel, one of the most famous characters of Bowie. Tommy Hilfiger's star boots (check 'em here if you haven't seen them yet) are definitely Ziggy material.

The outfit with the flared jeans and blouse is an outfit I could see myself wear as well. And let's be honest - Bowie knows how to pose. A talent I'm (and I bet many of you are as well) jealous of ;). As a couple, Bowie and Iman always looked on point and happy. I can't imagine how she must feel. My thoughts are with his friends and family. Bowie, rest in peace.

14 opmerkingen:

  1. Heel mooi om zo onder elkaar te zien! :)

  2. Icon! Love his style!

  3. Jaaa wat een mooi eerbetoon aan dit icoon! Ik had als klein meisje een mega crush op hem door de film 'Labyrinth' haha. Thanks for sharing! Enne, love your blog! X

  4. Ik heb me nooit echt zo verdiept in zijn muziek maar zijn stijl.. ik vind het zo tof dat je zo een eigen stijl kunt neerzetten! Hele toffe foto's heb je uit gezocht!

  5. Ja, dat is zeker heel tof. Dankjewel! :) Maar was niet moeilijk, haha, ongeveer alle foto's waren tof!

  6. Een mooie eerbetoon aan David Bowie ;)

  7. Konstantina Antoniadou13 januari 2016 om 09:59

    extremely inspirational post!

  8. Ik ben nooit een superfan geweest op enkele liedjes na (Just Dance!), maar zijn overlijden kwam toch als een shock... Echt een icoon, en deze foto's bewijzen het nog maar eens... Wat een man! Mijn lievelingsliedje sinds letterlijk forever is Under Pressure van Queen & Bowie, luister ik momenteel ook op repeat...
    XO IMKE | Pastellics

  9. Ja, absoluut!! Under Pressure is inderdaad een super fijn nummer. En ken je China Girl ook? Dat is ook echt een fantastisch nummer. Zou het zeker aanraden om meer van zijn muziek te luisteren, hihi! ;)
