When it comes to shopping, I never really stick to 'just the women's department'. I love browsing through the men's department (the sweaters are amazing: an oversized look with a super soft inside), but I always stop at the kid's department as well. When I was young, I used to wear Hello Kitty t-shirts and Daisy Duck tops, but oh how the times have changed. Kids these days are super fashionable. I even see a kid now and then looking better than I do. I don't know if I'm particularly happy with that, but it does remind me to check out the kid's department more often. So that's why I browsed through the Mango, Zara, H&M and Bershka websites, to find the best items we all can wear as well!

Shopping at the kid's department has many many pros. Yes, you'd have to have size XS / S (or a shoe size up to EU 37 / 38) to shop at at the kid's section, but I think that even with a size M you should be able to get into some of the sweaters. Especially at Bershka, they don't really have a kid's department like Mango or Zara. The BSK line is more for teens. But look at that Mickey sweater! It looks oversized and comfy. If this tone of yellow wouldn't look awful with my skin tone, I'd definitely be running to the nearest Bershka store right now.
The BIG pro of the kid's department is the price. I recently bought the "Merci" pull at Zara (I did get some strange looks when I stopped at the fitting rooms with arms full of kids stuff) and it only cost me €16,95! Try finding such a warm pull at the women's department for that price... Good luck!
Another pro is the fact that you won't see someone (of your age, that is) wearing the exact same top, even though you just bought it at Zara of H&M, a place where basically everyone shops. Hello uniqueness! Pair a kids sweater with a pretty flared jeans or nice trousers and you'll look very grown up and put together. And hello, what about the gold lamé tee from River Island? I could already see myself wear it with these jeans.
OK, of course there are some cons to shopping at the kid's department. Like I've already said, sizing is limited. Mango and Zara only go up to size 164, sometimes even 140. I usually try on a size 170 when I'm shopping at H&M, but I found out that 164 fits at Zara with a size XS / S. I even bought the "merci" pull in a size 156! Thank god for oversized items! Another con is that you probably won't find any good pants at the kid's department. The shapes for kids aren't as defined as they are for women. Which might be good, coming to think of it. So I guess we should just stick to tops, tees and sweaters when we're shopping at the kid's department. And well, seeing all the items above, I don't think that's too bad!
Have you ever shopped at the kid's department? What did you buy?!
And p.s., have you already entered the magnificent Secret Santa Giveaway? You can win one of the three amazing packages filled with great stuff!
Hihi, jaaa! I love it! Ik vind dat de kinderafdeling soms zulke leuke dingen heeft. Grappig, heb er ook eens een blogpost over geschreven :). Omg, die tas met die giraffe! Wil ik!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenLeuk! Vooral de H&M candy cake sweater :)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenZó veel leuks! Ik pastte vroeger ook nog wel kinderkleding, nu denk ik niet meer..
BeantwoordenVerwijderenGreat post: well done. Keep going
BeantwoordenVerwijderenAll of these sweater are gorgeous
I love your blog.
Please check my last post if you want http://www.welovefur.com
Wat een leuke dingen allemaal!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenAah die glitterschoentjes vind ik zo gaaf! Helaas gaan de kindermaten tot 38, net iets te klein voor mij. :( het viel mij ook al op dat de kids collecties superleuk zijn! Bij de H&M een hele schattige trui gespot (met schaats printje van pailletjes), maar die was van de kinder-kinder afdeling. Superklein dus helaas haha. Liefs, Rowan
BeantwoordenVerwijderenOh, wat een leuke dingen :-D
Zo leuk al die kerst truien!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenJaa die zijn leuk he!! Ik heb gelukkig wel de goede maat, zit nog steeds te twijfelen of ik ze ga halen, haha! Wat jammer dat die trui zo klein is, hij klinkt inderdaad super leuk!! Nou ja, je kunt niet alles hebben, toch? :-P
Ja fijn hè! :) Bedankt voor je reactie Manon!
Jaaa die wil ik oook zo graag!! Heb hem helaas nog niet in real life gespot, weet niet precies hoe groot 'ie is, haha. Maar als 'ie een beetje een leuke / normale maat heeft, is 'ie vast en zeker niet veilig voor me als ik hem tegenkom, hehe :D