Recently I've read about a million "my boyfriend / mother / cat dressed me for one week" posts. I love those posts. The outfits are awesome - sometimes awful, sometimes gorgeous, but always awesome in their own (horrible) way. As I don't have a boyfriend and my mother doesn't know my enitire closet by heart, I can't post an article like that. Or can I? I do have a girlfriend. And who says letting your girlfriend decide what you have to wear isn't as awesome (or horrible) as when you let your boyfriend decide?!
So I told Rinske: "next week you'll be in charge of my outfits, ok?" So she asked: "Is this another blogging project of yours?" "Well yes, of course," I told her. And what she said then, should have scared me off right away. "So you'll really wear ANYTHING I say you'll have to wear? Like, outside?" I hesitated, but said yes. And so it happened: my girlfriend decided what I had to wear. For one week.
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Day 1. A boy's tee, jeans and sneakers
This was the very first outfit of the week. Would I have chosen it myself? Well, maybe not. I might have gone with a bit more dressy pants, to spice up the look and combine the funny men's department tee with a pretty, feminine style pants. But the jeans work as well. And the sneakers make this look really comfy!
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Day 2. A very fancy skirt and silver shoes
"So today I decided I'm going to experiment with your style," Rinske said. I was quite scared and when I saw the outfit, I wasn't convinced. I would never wear such a fancy skirt to school. But I must admit, the outfit really grew on me. I'd definitely wear this again. In fact, it may even become my newest go-to outfit when I don't know what to wear. Thank you!
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Day 3. Wednesday - hump day
I've often seen the words 'hump day' appear on Wednesday, but I never really got the meaning of it. Until I started googling it (Google knows all the answers). Wednesday is the middle of the week. The last weekend seems so far away already, but the next weekend seems the same. That's why you really have to get over that hump called Wednesday. So here you go: my bad explanation about what hump day is all about.
To me, hump day is a bad day with absolutely no inspiration. And this week, Rinske felt the same. She didn't really know what I had to wear. It's tough being me, right?! ;) In the end, she chose these bowling printed pants. She bought them for me as a gift last summer in Hungary, but I never knew how to wear it. Well, my girlfriend might be a better fashion blogger than me, because she got me my second new go-to outfit. Don't you just love this fuzzy sweater with the cute print?!
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Day 4. Comfy outfit
"I really like you in a simple, casual outfit," Rinske said, when she put this outfit together. My favorite jeans, a "coffee addict" top (which is actually a pajamas top, but nobody knows (until now), so I just wear it as a normal top) and a super comfy Miss Etam cardigan. To be honest, I forgot a red necklace in these pictures. I also wore red shoes with a leopard print with this outfit, but my mind blanked when I was taking the pictures. Anyway, you can see the shoes here, so picture it yourself! ;)
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Day 5. The this-is-actually-a-dress-skirt
Cute, yet tough. That's how I'd describe this outfit. I hadn't worn this dress in ages, but I know it's one of Rinske's favorites. It sure is super cute, but I didn't really see my style as cute, so I never knew how to wear this in a not-so-cute way. And hello - she did it again! She made me wear my leather jacket (which might have been a bit too cold for this time of the year, but the sweater made it appropriate) with it, plus black leather slip ons. Go-to outfit numéro trois!
As a conclusion, this week brought me...
Three new go-to outfits,
one moment of doubt,
lots of "oh hey so that's how I could wear this item!" moments
the insight that my girlfriend is a better fashion blogger than I am.
It was quite fun to see how my girlfriend likes to see me best. She likes cute items, but still gets my own personal style in the outfits, by combining cute items with leather details or by combining comfy outfits with crazy leopard printed shoes. I expected this week to be filled with skirts and dresses, and I wasn't really looking forward to it, but I must admit: those skirts and dresses really are nice. I used to wear them with heels (I wore heels all the time), but nowadays, I'd wear them totally different. But Rinske definitely made me see that I can wear lots of items that I had pretty much forgotten about, like the white dress or the fancy skirt - I would never think of those items when I'm figuring out what to wear. I guess I will from now on.
Thank you Rinske! I guess we should do this more often. It was quite relaxing to not worry about what I had to wear for a week.
So. Whether you've got a girlfriend, a boyfriend or just your cat - let them decide what you should wear for a week. It'll be massively relaxing. Or maybe it won't work when you let your cat decide, although that would be a cool experiment as well... Challenge. Accepted. Stay tuned.
Haha, wat een toffe challenge! Ik moet zeggen dat ik de looks echt best leuk vind! Vooral die van dag 2 - goede combinatie. Lijkt me echt heel leuk om zelf ook eens zo'n challenge aan te gaan! :)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenIk vind het stuk voor stuk echt hele leuke outfits! Goeie combinaties van leuke items en de outfits zelf zijn ook heel orgineel en verschillend van elkaar!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenWauw, wat een toffe looks heeft ze samengesteld! De tweede is mijn favoriet, hihi! Ik ben zelf single, maar misschien laat ik mijn ouders dit wel eens doen, al vind ik dat wel lichtelijk eng... Haha ;)
Aaaah hoe leuk dat je dit gedaan hebt! En grappig dat ze er voor gezorgd heeft dat je nu weer nieuwe inspiratie hebt en een aantal nieuwe 'go-to outfits'.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHeeel leeeuk, go Rins!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHeel leuk gedaan!!! Vind vooral de eerste outfit mega gaaf!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenDit is ZO leuk! En ook nogsteeds ZO jou :)
BeantwoordenVerwijderen(Oke, met wat minder kleurtjes dan. Maar zeker niet minder tof)
I think she did an amazing job!! Vind het echt leuke combinaties! En ook jouw 'not so sure about it' outfit! Girly maar toch op een stoere manier. I like xD
BeantwoordenVerwijderenx Aurélie
Haha wat een tof idee zeg! Ik vind alle outfits eigenlijk even leuk. Die rok staat je geweldig! X
BeantwoordenVerwijderenhaha tof om te doen! Leuke outfit's zijn het geworden :D
BeantwoordenVerwijderenJe vriendin mag dit nog vaker doen zou ik zeggen! Heel leuke combinaties!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenDankjewel!! Ja, ze heeft lekker geëxperimenteerd, haha! :)
Hahaha oohhh ja DOE DOE!!! Dat lijkt me zó leuk.
Dankjewel!!! Ik ga het doorgeven, haha. :D
Ahh dankjewel! Super leuk om te horen!!
THis was really cute! I loved the looks she picked for you!!! Thanks for stopping by my blog!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenSuch a wonderful blog!
So funny post ! Love it
Wat een super leuk artikel! Ik zou het ook wel een keer willen proberen :)
Such a great post! I hope you have a lovely day.
Great pic!In love with everything!
Wonderful post :) you have such a great blog!
Thank you! :) Good to hear :)
Zeker doen, haha! Het is onwijs relaxt ook, om je een week geen zorgen te hoeven maken over wat je aan moet trekken! ;)
Thank you!
Alles staat je gewoon super!
Leuke outfits hoor. Dag 2 en 5 vind ik het mooiste.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenWat een leuk idee is dit zeg! En ik vind alle outfits tof geworden
BeantwoordenVerwijderen[…] all of your comments, they can honestly make my day. I especially loved all your comments on this article, where my girlfriend decided what I had to wear for one week. I didn’t expect this […]