Last Sunday, I spent LOTS of money. I must admit I really wasn't planning on spending that much money. I just went to an amazing market in Rotterdam, to see how my girlfriend was doing on selling her home and handmade stuff. As I walked around the many different stands, I knew it was gonna be a hard day. But when I arrived at a vinyl stand, I was sold. And out of money. I bought two David Bowie albums, and later on I found the best lamp I've ever had.
To be honest: I never really liked the Swan Market. I thought it was just ok, but I was never a fan. But recently that vision has changed. Want to know why? And want to know more about that lamp I bought?

The Swan Market was held at the Van Nelle Factory, one of the most prominent industrial monuments of the Netherlands (as Wikipedia told me). I spent the entire day staring my eyes out. The factory was gorgeous and all the stuff that was for sale... My oh my.
I visited the Swan Market a couple of times before and I wasn't really impressed back then. I just visited the market for a couple of hours, wandered around, looked at all the stands and then left. My opinion? "Boy, everybody sells the same and the prices are way too high." Especially for a never-not-broke student like me. But when Rinske started selling her stuff at the Swan Market, I started staying there to help and support for longer days. And that sure changed my vision.
When I used to stay for about two hours, I didn't really get to soak up the atmosphere. I was there just for me and for the stands, and that was all. But last weekend I found out that the atmosphere at the market is amazing. Even though a lot of people sell the same category of stuff, it's all different in it's own way. You can compare it with fashionblogs: nowadays, there are SO many fashionblogs. But every blog is different, because all the people behind them are different.
Many people sell postcards, illustrations or vintage stuff, but every stand has it's own signature. I'd definitely recommend you to go to this market, just to soak in all the creativity and talk with the sellers / entrepreneurs. They're all so passionate! When you're going to the Swan Market, I'd definitely recommend you to stay a bit longer. Grab a drink, walk another round... I bet you'll like it even more than you maybe already did!
So, that being said... I also wanted to tell you about the best lamp ever. I bought a camera lamp!!! You can already see it on the photos above and I've also shared it before on my Instagram page. I really love it: it's a camera on a tripod, but then turned into a lamp! I bought it at Mot Vintage. Be sure to check out their website, they sell amazing stuff (like some super cute mini school charts with cacti)!
Have you ever visited the Swan Market? And what was your opinion?!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenOh, super tof!!
Wat een prachtige foto's heb je gemaakt. Ziet er erg leuk uit. & Wat heb je een leuke blog! Ik ga je volgen. :)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenOh het ziet er zo leuk uit! Helaas is het hier bijna nooit in de buurt :( XO
BeantwoordenVerwijderenWauw wat een onwijs gave markt zeg! Zo jammer dat dit een eind van Groningen is. Had me echt gaaf geleken.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenaah dit lijkt me zo gaaf eens heen te gaan!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenDie camera lamp ziet er echt gaaf uit!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenSuper leuk!! Wil echt nog eens naar een Swan market.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenwauw !! ik kende het niet, maar het ziet er echt heel erg leuk uit!!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenAhh dankjewel, lief!! :)
Ohh dat is super balen! :( Maar wie weet is het een keer leuk om er een dagje van te maken ofzo. NS heeft vaak ook wel goede aanbiedingen wat dat betreft. Ik zou het zeker wel aanraden, haha ;)!
Jaa tof is 'ie he!! Ben er zelf ook nog steeds helemaal verliefd op :D
Dankje! Moet je zeker doen, haha! :)
Ah, super mooi allemaal! Tof ook trouwens dat het in de Van Nelle fabriek was. Ben nog nooit op de Swan Market geweest, iedere keer dat het was had ik al andere dingen gepland sinds ik van de markt gehoord heb. Balen! Hopelijk snel :). En aaah, mega tof die camera lamp!